Uniform & Preparedness


Uniform & Preparedness

Staff is required to supply and adhere to BHCC’s uniform standards for events. Both kitchen and frontside staff are required to wear an iteration of black on black, with each respectively outlined below:


  • Black chef coat

  • Black chef or dress pants (no shorts allowed)

  • Black closed-toe non-slip shoes with black socks


  • Black long-sleeve or ¾ length button-down shirt with a collar (to be tucked in or long enough to cover stomach when you lift your arms above your head).

  • Black dress pants, loose-fitting (ABSOLUTELY NO LEGGINGS/YOGA PANTS), pencil cut is acceptable but no tight-fitting skinny pants.

  • Black closed-toe non-slip dress shoes with black socks (OPEN-TOE FLATS ARE NOT SAFE AND THEREFORE NOT ACCEPTABLE). 

  • Each frontside staff person should additionally come prepared for each shift with their own personal wine key, flashlight, a small notepad, and a pen.


  • Appropriate hair and makeup; long hair worn tied back (NEVER LOOSE & DOWN), in a neat presentation. Makeup should be tasteful and understated.

  • Very few accessories; please limit your jewelry to unobtrusive earrings, watch, wedding ring, etc. This is important for safety reasons - for example, long or dangly earrings or necklaces may get caught on a serving tray as you’re serving and can be ripped from your ear or neck.  

  • Clean hands with no nail polish, chipped or otherwise.

  • General good hygiene, showered with deodorant, as we are often interacting in close proximity with guests and coworkers. However, perfumes and strong scents are strongly discouraged.

  • Aprons will be provided for staff and should be dropped off in the dirty laundry at the end of a shift for laundering. If you do not, it is your responsibility to wash and return the apron at your next event. 

  • It is encouraged to bring a spare uniform with you in the event that yours becomes soiled or ripped. 

  • It is recommended to bring a black sweater or jacket and/or spare socks in case of cold weather and/or rain. In our early spring and late fall events, we also recommend wearing long johns or other insulating layers underneath your uniform, as we are oftentimes at outdoor events.